Age groups
Nine age groups at the Laola Cup 2025
There are a total of nine age groups represented at the LAOLA Cup: Five age divisions for male teams and four age divisions for female teams. Up to 16 teams can register in each age group. Each team is guaranteed six games at the tournament.

Age groups
Nine age groups at the LAOLA Cup 2025
There are a total of nine age groups represented at the LAOLA Cup: Five age divisions for male teams and four age divisions for female teams. Up to 16 teams can register in each age group. Each team is guaranteed six games at the tournament.

at least 6 games per team

five age groups for boys

very many international teams

free places still in each age group

at least six games per team

Trophy for each team

five age groups for boys

many international teams

at least six games per team
Age groups 2025
Age group | Year of birth | Number of players | Status |
Age group U10/U11 male | |
Vintage: 2014,2015,2016 etc.
Game mode: 6+1 |
only 6 available
Age group U12/U13 male | |
Vintage: 2012,2013,2014 etc.
Game mode: 10+1 |
only 6 available
Age group U14/U15 male | |
Vintage: 2010,2011,2012 etc.
Game mode: 10+1 |
more than 8 available
Age group U16/U17 male | |
Vintage: 2008,2009,2010 etc.
Game mode: 10+1 |
more than 8 available
Age group U18/U19 male | |
Year: 2006,2007,2008 etc.
Game mode: 10+1 |
only 6 available
More info

general information
- there is no limit of players per team
- the playing time is 2x 20 minutes
- each team has at least six games
- each team must fill in a player list before the start of the tournament
- U10/U11: A player:in may be one year older than the age group allows.
- U12/U13 - U18/U19: Two players are allowed to be one year older than the age group.
- younger players than specified in the age group may always play

Laola Cup
Get more info about the tournament and exact prices and
then secure yourself a non-binding starting place!
Get more info about the tournament and exact prices and
secure a non-binding starting place!
Laola Cup
Get more info about the tournament and exact prices and then get a no-obligation!
July 28 - August 1, 2025, Hamburg
Get more info about the tournament and exact prices and then get a no-obligation!
More information about the tournament:
Look forward to five days full of football and a great social program: tournament matches, exciting activities and free time to explore Hamburg.
The prices for the LAOLA Cup are available on request. Simply fill out the contact form or send us an e-mail to info@laolacup.com.
The tournament takes place in the metropolis of Hamburg. All matches take place directly in the center of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg.